


By , Angeline Hsiao(Bazaar TW) and Phoebe Yuan
艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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"What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden, and it's not. And a lot of the time, it's what makes you great.”


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“I remind myself to be kind to myself and, as slightly ridiculous as it may sound, to treat myself in the same gentle way I'd want to treat a daughter of mine. It really helps.”


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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「一個人的缺陷,往往是我最喜歡他的地方! 」

“Flaws are my favorite part of people, usually."

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艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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"You're a human being—you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake."


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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"What's strange about the way my brain functions is that the only thing that has ever made me feel calm is knowing clearly what I want."


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
Jason Merritt/TERM//Getty Images


"I'm drawn to people who I feel like I can learn from.... But there is some sense of being changed by each person that I think I'm drawn to."

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艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
Kevin Winter//Getty Images


"I won't make a bucket list because I'm so afraid that I'll die and then people will find my bucket list and be like, 'Oh, she didn't get to do that....' There is stuff that I'd like to do or experience but nothing that would crush me if it didn't happen."


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
Christopher Polk//Getty Images


"The thing is, my ultimate role model is Diane Keaton, and not because she didn't drink or didn't smoke, but because she has always been totally honest about herself, warts, neuroses, and all. Sure, I make a whole lot of mistakes and drink too much wine sometimes, but I just want to be myself and live like a regular human being."


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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"He told me to keep some things I love just for me. The idea is to have some things that you don't feel like you need to share with the world. To have some things that are only yours."

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艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
Adam Rose//Getty Images


"Success is such a fleeting thing. I've seen how the careers of people I look up to ebb and flow, so I don't get carried away by it."


艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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"You won't hear me saying I have no body issues because I wouldn't be human if I didn't."

艾瑪史東 人生觀 名言 金句 愛情
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