
傳奇女星Jane Birkin逝世享壽76歲!關於她的10條人生金句「與其和一個不懂我的男人在一起,我寧可自己生活」


By Allie Hsieh
jane birkin金句
Getty Images

昨晚(16日)傳奇女星 Jane Birkin 驚傳在巴黎的家中逝世享壽76歲,出生英國的她擁有最具指標性的「法式風格」,更是1970年代無法超越的時尚指標。Jane Birkin 大膽、率性,不僅是模特更是全方位女星,在《春光乍現》展現性感演技,與另一半Serge Gainsbourg合唱《Je t'aime... moi non plu》展現好歌喉,除此之外她更是愛馬仕的謬思,連「柏金包」都以她命名。Jane Birkin 瀟灑的個性令人嚮往,她的殞落讓人婉惜,現在就跟COSMO一起回顧女神帶給女人的10個人生觀。

Jane Birkin人生觀:「誰想要輕鬆的生活?那樣的人生真無趣」

premiere "slogan" by pierre grimblat in paris, france on august 28, 1969
Yves LE ROUX//Getty Images

「But who wants an easy life? It's boring!」

Jane Birkin人生觀:「保持微笑,它能讓妳看起來年輕十歲!」

english actress jane birkin goes out on
AFP//Getty Images

「Keep smiling, it takes ten years off!」

Jane Birkin人生觀:「當妳一無所有時,唯一能做的就是穿上絲質內衣,並開始閱讀普魯斯特。」

jane birkin
M. McKeown//Getty Images

「When you've got nothing left, all you can do is get into silk underwear and start reading Proust」

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Jane Birkin人生觀:「我的風格就像一杯雞尾酒。我不像法國人那樣穿著整齊,但也不像英國人那樣在意。」

portrait de jane birkin en 1974
Laurent MAOUS//Getty Images

「My look is a cocktail. I’m not as nicely turned out as the french, but I don’t care like the English.」

Jane Birkin人生觀:「當你開始享受當下,生命將會更美好」

jane birkin

「When you start recognising that you're having fun, life can be delightful.」

Jane Birkin人生觀:「穿的不像女生又怎樣,舒服最重要」

archives of jane birkin in paris, france in august, 1991
Laurent MAOUS//Getty Images

「I feel most comfortable in an old pair of jeans, Converse, and a man's jersey.」

「Everything I wear doesnt put me in the league of women. If I were a boy, I could look a lot prettier than a lot of boys I know.」

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Jane Birkin人生觀:「當我犯錯時,人們總是會笑。我本可以學得更好,但我喜歡逗人發笑。」

jane birkin

「When I made mistakes, people used to laugh. I could have learnt better, but I’ve always liked to make people laugh.」

Jane Birkin人生觀:「與其和一個不懂我的男人在一起,我寧可自己生活。」

serge gainsbourg with jane birkin
Alain Dejean//Getty Images
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