

即將於2月底上映的《名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2,直接將電影首映變成一場超精彩的瘋狂時裝秀,並邀來了劉雯、吉吉哈蒂德Gigi Hadid及C羅的超性感超模未婚妻伊莉娜沙伊克Irina Shayk身穿華服走秀,而最大的驚喜則是《名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2》的主角-班史提勒Ben Stiller、歐文威爾森Owen Wilson、威爾法洛Will Ferrell 跟潘妮洛普克魯茲Penélope Cruz化身為電影中的角色,一同現身,華麗又瘋狂的造型將《名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2》的精隨發揮到極致!而現場設計師 Alexander Wang、安娜溫圖Anna Wintour及珍妮佛安妮斯頓Jennifer Aniston都是座上賓,給足了班史提勒好大的面子,快往右看場《名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2》時裝秀!

By Ziggy Shih


a group of people sitting in a room


l to r mike faist as art, zendaya as tashi and josh o'connor as patrick in challengers, directed by luca guadagnino, a metro goldwyn mayer pictures film credit metro goldwyn mayer pictures© 2023 metro goldwyn mayer pictures inc all rights reserved


a man and woman sitting at a table with cups of coffee


a person holding a sword


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