
恰好搭上台灣近期鬧得沸沸揚揚的同志婚姻,遠在加拿大的攝影師 Dina Goldstein,早拍好一組以真人假扮的芭比婚後生活系列照片《In the Dollhouse》,裡面的肯尼其實就是我們的同志好姊妹,這讓芭比可是頭痛到不行。

  • 比如說他待在浴室的時間比你還久。
Red, Pink, Room, Magenta, Trunk, Barechested, Abdomen, Muscle, Chest, Waist, pinterest
  • 又或者,他私藏的高跟鞋比你還火辣
Lighting, Human body, Sitting, Room, Furniture, Table, Interior design, Interior design, Picture frame, Conversation, pinterest
  • 再不然,就是比你還更熱衷於各大時尚雜誌。
Room, Red, Pink, Lamp, Linens, Lampshade, Magenta, Interior design, Lighting accessory, Bedroom, pinterest
  • 當然,帶男人回家也不再只是你的專利。
Room, Interior design, Pink, Beauty, Interior design, Bag, Peach, Curtain, Lamp, Living room, pinterest

在看完了Dina Goldstein的詼諧作品後,容我帶各位Angel們回歸現實,因為MOSCHINO真的又推出新芭比聯名商品「Moschino Barbie & Ken 禮物組合」,重現了鬼才設計師Jeremy Scott(他14歲就知道自己是愛男生了)和名模Stella Maxwell2015MTV音樂大獎的紅毯穿著。

Style, Bag, Waist, Fashion, Youth, Fashion model, Model, Luggage and bags, Fashion design, Fashion illustration, pinterest

Jeremy ScottStella Maxwell繽紛、充滿玩心的穿搭,不管是真人版或是變成芭比與肯尼的迷你版,效果都讓人眼睛為之一亮,只是娃娃版的Jeremy Scott八塊肌明顯成這樣,是想誘惑誰?!

Hairstyle, Style, Eyelash, Fashion, Temple, Costume design, Fashion design, Fashion illustration, Brown hair, Hair coloring, pinterest
Hairstyle, Shoulder, Joint, Pink, Eyelash, Style, Formal wear, Toy, One-piece garment, Fashion, pinterest

提醒想要蒐藏MOSCHINO聯名款的Angel們,此系列商品自122日起於MOSCHINO官網及米蘭、羅馬、倫敦、巴黎、紐約及洛杉磯的Moschino Boutique門市販售,售價為美金$200,沒入手到芭比的你,也可以參考美金$135的芭比與肯尼的毛巾呦~

Costume design, Fashion illustration, Style, Formal wear, Art, Fashion, Magenta, One-piece garment, Day dress, Gown, pinterest